
Welcome to St James and St Saviour's

Our Sunday services are at 9.30am at St. Saviours and at 11.00am at St. James. 
We have Junior Church at both at both Churches which the children enjoy during the first part of the service.

We are people who meet on Sunday mornings (and other times) across two Church buildings, St. James on St. James Street and St. Saviours on Buckstones Road.

Everyone is welcome. Keeping people safe is important to us. Our buildings and policies are regularly reviewed. 

Getting to know Jesus is important to us. We believe that knowing him can help make sense of our own lives and the world around us. 

Worship is important to us. Our services are based around the Eucharist (Holy Communion) because we believe that Jesus is present in a special way during this time. 

Junior Church meets at both churches during the services at 11.00am (St. James) and 9.30am (St. Saviours).

Children are welcome to receive the bread and wine once they complete the 'Communion before Confirmation' Course that is run annually.

The local community is important to us. We try and work with the local community as much as possible. St. James Church has a Parish Hall which can be hired. St. James and St. Saviours Church buildings can be used for community meetings.

Children's education is important to us. We have links with two CofE Primary Schools, East Crompton St. James and East Crompton St. Georges.

We also have the Child Care Village which works with pre-school children including nursery provision. 




Safeguarding - A Safer Church

Both Churches take the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults very seriously.

Please contact the Diocese of Manchester Safeguarding Officer

Abbey Clephane-Wilson on 0161 828 1451 or our

Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator Jacqui Adams on 07708 928271
(email: jacquiadams19@icloud.com)

or our Curate in Charge (Revd Paul Pritchard) if you have any Safeguarding concerns about the Parish.

The Diocese of Manchester partners with thirtyone:eight in relation to Disclosure (i.e. DBS) services and accessing their safeguarding Helpline when required. For DBS related queries, please contact them on 0303 003 1111 option 1.

In the event of the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser being unavailable due to being on holiday or other absence, you will be advised to contact thirtyone:eight for safeguarding advice on 0303 003 1111. This also includes any emergency safeguarding queries outside of office hours on weekdays and weekends.

An Information Sharing Agreement between the two organisations will allow the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser to receive a copy of the advice thirtyone:eight may offer the parish church/caller.


News and Upcoming Events


Meet the Team

Useful Links

Get in Touch

St James' Church East Crompton
St James Street
Oldham OL2 7TD

St Saviour's Church
Buckstones Road
Oldham OL2 8DF

Secretary: Mr Trevor Dunkerley
Telephone: 01706 843682

Sunday Worship


Our Mission

We aim to have Jesus at the heart of everything we do, not only in church as we worship, but in our daily lives, work places, schools and homes.

Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17:
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"